Course Delivery
- Comply with and implement the quality standards of theTraining Centre in all training and office activities and maintain proper records as per the system requirements.
- Develop training courses or units in consultation with the Training Manager.
- Deliver courses in strict compliance with the relevant Course Manual.
- Maintain the highest level of safety practices during training sessions
Administrative Tasks
- Identify and record all deficiencies related to training activities. Initiate preventive or corrective actions inconsultation with the Training Manager.
- Assist the Training Manager in achieving continual improvement in all Training activities and of the TrainingCentre.
- Conduct audits of external MET institutions when requested by the Training Manager.
- Attend and participate in periodic management meetings.
- Carry out other training or office-related responsibilities, projects, tasks, and reports as requested by the Training Manager.
- When required, check various administrative forms prepared by the Administration Assistant and forward to the Training Manager for approval.>li>
- In addition to the above core responsibilities, one of the faculty members shall be designated as the Deputy SafetyOfficer & Floor Marshal and shall assist the Safety Officer inhis safety and emergency duties. The designated faculty member shall represent the Safety Officer during the latter's absence.
Required Qualifications
- Marine Engineer Officer Class I - COC
- Other Specialized Training courses and certification
- Minimum 1 yr. experience in a Chief Engineer rank
- Experience in teaching / auditing preferred
- Excellent verbal written communication skills.
- Strong analytical problem-solving and managerial skills.
- Should be interested in modern teaching methodologies.
- Candidate must have a passion for learning continuously and a strong desire to be in the teaching profession.
- Proficient in use of computers and skilled in operation of educational software programs.